Source code for crudlfap.route

# flake8: noqa: N805
CRUDLFA+ introduces an MVC-ish pattern, as the Router class is meant to sit
between a Model class and its set of View. Your views will have to inherit from
Route to work in Router.views. This structural decision made for you by
CRUDLFA+ was not exactly designed: it's an open source rewrite of a module that
was ordered in a proprietary project.
import re

from django import http
from django.urls import path, reverse, reverse_lazy
from django.utils.module_loading import import_string

from .factory import Factory, FactoryMetaclass
from .utils import guess_urlfield

[docs]class RouteMetaclass(FactoryMetaclass): """Base autocalculations for views. .. py:data:: app_name The view's app name. .. py:data:: model The view's model if any. .. py:data:: urlpath The path for the url path definition. .. py:data:: label The view label, serves as key in a Router.views. .. py:data:: urlpattern The Django URL path() instance, for inclusion in url lists. .. py:data:: urlfullname The full name to reverse the URL, with namespaces if any. .. py:data:: urlfield The default model field that will be use to match in the URL. It can be pk, or name, slug ... """ router = None
[docs] def get_app_name(cls): """Return the model's app_name or None.""" return cls.model._meta.app_label if cls.model else None
[docs] def get_model(cls): """Return the router's model or None.""" return cls.router.model if cls.router else None
[docs] def get_urlpath(cls): """Return the urlname.""" return cls.urlname
[docs] def get_urlname(cls): """Return a string that can be used as url name.""" urlname = cls.__name__.lower() if urlname.endswith('view'): urlname = urlname[:-4] elif urlname.endswith('route'): urlname = urlname[:-5] if cls.model: model_name = cls.model._meta.model_name.lower() if urlname.startswith(model_name): urlname = urlname[len(model_name):] if not urlname and cls.model: urlname = cls.model._meta.model_name return urlname or None
[docs] def get_label(cls): """Return a readable label for this view. Strips View and Route from class name, also removes the model class name if it finds it: for YourModelUpdateView this returns `update`. """ name = re.sub('(View|Route)$', '', cls.__name__) if cls.model: name = re.sub('^' + cls.model.__name__, '', name) return re.sub("([a-z])([A-Z])","\g<1> \g<2>", name)
[docs] def get_urlpattern(cls): """Return the Django URL object to include in a urlpatterns.""" return path(cls.urlpath, cls.as_view(), name=cls.urlname)
[docs] def get_urlfullname(cls): """Return the url name eventually with router and site namespaces.""" if cls.router and cls.registry: return '{}:{}:{}'.format( cls.router.registry.app_name, cls.router.namespace, cls.urlname ) elif cls.registry: return '{}:{}'.format( cls.registry.app_name, cls.urlname ) elif cls.router: return '{}:{}'.format( cls.router.namespace, cls.urlname ) else: return cls.urlname
[docs] def get_urlfield(cls): """Return the router urlfield if any, else guess_urlfield()""" if cls.router and cls.router.urlfield: return cls.router.urlfield return guess_urlfield(cls.model)
[docs]class Route(Factory, metaclass=RouteMetaclass): """The mixin for Views that will make it compatible with Router. .. py:data:: authenticate False by default, it makes the default has_perm() implementation require Django permission. .. py:data:: urlargs Args that should be passed to reverse() along with Route.urlfullname. .. py:data:: url Absolute url to the view, relying on Route.urlfullname and Route.urlargs. You will be able to check if a user has access to a view with a given object for example as such::[YourModel]['detail'].clone( request=request, object=obj, ).has_perm() If you want to open a View to all, set authenticate=False, examples:: class YourDetailView(DetailView): authenticate = False class YourRouter(Router): views = [ YourDetailView, ListView.clone(authenticate=False), # example with clone ] Without authenticate=False, the default has_perm() implementation requires the request user to have the permission corresponding to the permission_fullcode attribute. To create the permission with permission_fullcode, you can browse in your CRUDLFA+ site and navigate to URL list view, for each URL you have link in the menu called "authorized" that lets you select which groups have this permission: it will auto-create the permission in the database if necessary. """
[docs] @classmethod def reverse(cls, *args, **kwargs): """Reverse a url to this view with the given args.""" return reverse_lazy(cls.urlfullname, args=args, kwargs=kwargs)
[docs] def get_urlargs(self): """ Return args for reversing this view url from self. See ``self.reverse()`` for detail. """ return []
[docs] def get_url(self): """ Return the URL for this view given its current state. Given that the ``reverse()`` method is a class method, this should allow things like:: url = YourView(object=your_object).url """ return self.reverse(*self.urlargs)
[docs] def get_permission_shortcode(self): """Return the middle part for the view permission. Returns the urlname by default. """ return self.urlname
[docs] def get_permission_codename(self): """Return the codename attribute for the view Permission.""" if not self.model: return self.permission_shortcode return f'{self.permission_shortcode}_{self.model._meta.model_name}'
[docs] def get_permission_fullcode(self): """ Return a string with the app name, permission_shortcode and model name. """ return f'{self.app_name}.{self.permission_codename}'
def get_authenticate(self): return True
[docs] def has_perm(self): """Checks for user permission.""" if not self.authenticate: return True return self.request.user.has_perm(self.permission_fullcode, self)
def get_registry(self): if self.router: return self.router.registry from .site import site return site def get_login_url(self): if self.registry: return reverse('{}:login'.format(self.registry.app_name)) return reverse('login') def get_allowed_groups(self): if not self.router: return [] return getattr(self.router, 'allowed_groups', [])
[docs] def dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs): """This will run has_perm prior to super().dispatch().""" if not self.has_perm(): if not request.user.is_authenticated: return http.HttpResponseRedirect( self.login_url + '?next=' + request.path_info ) else: return http.HttpResponseForbidden() return super().dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs)
@classmethod def factory(cls, view, **attributes): if isinstance(view, str): view = import_string(view) return type(view.__name__, (view, cls), attributes)