Source code for crudlfap.factory

**CRIMINALLY INVASIVE HACKS** in :py:class:`Factory`.
import inspect

[docs]class FactoryMetaclass(type): """``__getattr__`` that ensures a first argument to getters. Makes the getter work both from class and instance Thanks to this, your `get_*()` methods will /maybe/ work in both cases:: # calls get_foo(YourClass) YourClass().foo # calls get_foo(self) Don't code drunk. """ def __getattr__(cls, attr): if attr.startswith('get_'): raise AttributeError('{} or {}'.format(attr[4:], attr)) getter = getattr(cls, 'get_' + attr) if inspect.ismethod(getter): return getter() else: return getter(cls)
[docs] def get_cls(cls): """Return the cls. did it go to far at this point ? """ return cls
[docs]class Factory(metaclass=FactoryMetaclass): """Adds clumsy but automatic getter resolving. The `__getattr__` override makes this class try to call a get_*() method for variables that are not in `self.__dict__`. For example, when `` is evaluated `and 'foo' not in self.__dict__` then it will call the `self.get_foo()` If `self.get_foo()` returns None, it will try to get the result again from `self.__dict__`. Which means that we are going to witness this horrroorr:: class YourEvil(Factory): def get_foo(self): self.calls += 1 = 13 assert == 13 # crime scene 1 assert == 13 # crime scene 2 assert YourEvil.calls == 1 # crime scene 3 For the moment it is pretty clumsy because i tried to contain the criminality rate as low as possible meanwhile i like the work it does for me ! """ def __getattr__(self, attr): if attr.startswith('get_'): raise AttributeError('{} or {}()'.format(attr[4:], attr)) getter = getattr(self, 'get_{}'.format(attr), None) if getter: methresult = getter() dictresult = self.__dict__.get(attr, None) if methresult is None and dictresult is not None: result = dictresult else: result = methresult return result # Try class methods return getattr(type(self), attr)
[docs] @classmethod def clone(cls, *mixins, **attributes): """Return a subclass with the given attributes. If a model is found, it will prefix the class name with the model. """ name = cls.__name__ model = attributes.get('model', getattr(cls, 'model', None)) if model is None: model = getattr(cls, 'model', None) if model and model.__name__ not in cls.__name__: name = '{}{}'.format(model.__name__, cls.__name__) return type(name, (cls,) + mixins, attributes)